In-person Service Weave Storytelling

REB In-person Workshop Research

The next milestone involved organizing a Research Ethics Board (REB) workshop with elderly participants and children from a local childcare centre, further enriching the service design for intergenerational connections. To facilitate this workshop effectively, I drew from valuable in-class role-play sessions with my peers. Armed with insights from these workshops, I liaised with elderly participants, childcare centre staff, and parents to discuss suitable activities and stories that would captivate the children's interest. Additionally, I sought guidance from industry professionals to ensure that the proposed service design aligned with best practices in intergenerational activities.

One key aspect that emerged from my research was the importance of creating inclusive spaces for elderly individuals within the community. Weave, with its offline and online services, emerged as a platform to facilitate these connections. The mobile app, in particular, presented a unique opportunity for elderly individuals and the childcare centre community to come together, share authentic stories and activities, and access valuable program resources. However, a pertinent question arose: How can elderly individuals become more comfortable with using the mobile app? To address this, I proposed incorporating intuitive onboarding hand gestures and micro-interactions, simplifying the user experience for elderly users. The recording feature, for instance, would involve a single tap to record and upload stories, fostering seamless sharing within the community.

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